Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Honk If You Love Peace

Today, driving past Allen High School, I spotted a large sign that read:

Honk to End War.

Well, hey, that's me. A flower child. A child of God.
I honked.
The tall man in a green army jacket flashed me a peace sign.
[You know, the two fingers in a V.]
I smiled and flashed him.
He smiled and waved and ran over to my car window to give me literature.

There is a march on Washington- on the Pentagon- this Saturday. March 17.
Forty years ago, my sister and I were there to protest the Vietnam war.
Four years ago, before we went into Iraq, my daughter went there to say "no, don't go."

More than 3,000 U.S. soldier's have been killed.
More than 650,000 Iraquis have died since March 19, 2003.
I dare you. Let these numbers sink in.

Iraq costs the "coalition" $2 billion each month.
I double dog dare you. Let these numbers sink in.



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