Tuesday, August 28, 2007

But Clouds Got In My Way

"So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way."
- Both Sides Now
Joni Mitchell

My Daughter reminded me that last night there would be a total lunar eclipse. Living in L.A., she would have the better view as the full moon would be high in the dark night sky.
Here in Pennsylvania, I would only see the eclipse until the sun rose at dawn. But I forgot to count in the clouds which almost eclipsed the eclipse.
We watched it together. Quietly comparing our views on our cell phones.

I had gotten out my birding scope and took a few pictures through it with my digital camera.

I was struck by how many people were up and moving around here in the Lehigh Valley. The trash collectors stopped at my curb and took away two bags. The newspaper carrier put the Morning Call on my porch. My neighbor walked out to his garage and then left for work.
And I wondered, did they know? Did they realize that the earth’s shadow, cast by the sun, was falling over the full moon.
In all fairness, at times you could not see much as the clouds hide the moon and as the sunlight washed it out. Birders talk about a "naked eye" bird. That means you do not need binoculars or a scope to see the bird. Well, this was not a "naked eye" eclipse. You had to look.
How many times don’t we look?
The phrase "clouds got in my way" came to mind. I smiled thinking of the classic Charlie Brown strips when Lucy comes in from right field with any number of variations on the old excuse, "the sun got in my eyes."
But where did that phrase come from? It was a song. Donovan? Judy Collins?
Ahh... Joni Mitchell.
Great song. I just read the lyrics. I think copyright thingees prohibit my posting those lyrics here.
But you can Google them. The song is "Both Sides Now".
Then let me know if you really know clouds, love, life.
At all....
Not to mention the moon, sun and sky.
Or the tender love of Mother and Child.



At Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:57:00 AM, Blogger Lunar Mark said...

What a beautiful picture! Thank you for posting it - along with your thoughts.

There are many times when clouds get in my way. The trick is to not let them block out the joy of life.

Mostly they don't, but I don't really know clouds - much.

- Mark

At Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:59:00 PM, Blogger Lunar Mark said...

Lunar Eclipse - Looking! Maybe there are clouds in the object and maybe there are clouds in my eyes. One I might not be able to do anything about and the other, well, maybe there's a chance.

If I know there are clouds in my eye, I'll work hard to clear them. Sometimes I'm looking, and I think I'm so clear, but in fact the lens through which I'm looking is warped! So, in spite of my intent, and independent of my intellect, or even my will, sometimes I don't really see.

Isn't this back to the story of the blind man? Jesus healed the blind man. He took of his own spittle, and touched the man. It was through the body of Jesus that this healing happened.

So, in my clouded blindness, where do I turn? Maybe to Jesus, and maybe to the Body of believers. Among these two, perhaps I can be touched, healed, and the cloud that I have little hope to remove or even recognize can be removed.

Submitted by Christina N.

At Tuesday, August 28, 2007 6:31:00 PM, Blogger Canon Lexa said...

Thanks, Christina. That helps me think. I'm looking at Mark 8. Jesus feeds thousands and then the Pharisees come and ask Jesus for a sign from heaven, to test him. I think Jesus was ready to give them an eye test... you know, can you read this big "E"? That leads to the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida whose condition is so bad that even Jesus has to touch him twice! Remember the walking trees? Peace.


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