Saturday, January 26, 2008

'Little Fishes"

This meditation ran in the last Diocesan Life. It is posted here because tomorrow we read Matthew's account of Jesus' call of Peter and Andrew, James and John. . .

Matthew 4: 19
Jesus said to Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people."

I like to fish. When I prepare for an outing, I put on my lucky hat, make sure my Swiss army knife is in one of the many pockets of my fishing vest, pick up my tackle, and set out to buy minnows, little fish.

Did you know that in the 2nd century the newly baptized were called "little fishes"?

I wonder can we hear Jesus’ call "I will make you fish for people" if fish is not a verb? What if it is a noun! I know the Greek doesn’t support this. But stay with me.

Are we the fish, the bait, the lure? To bring others to knowledge of God’s love shown to us in the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Minnows on the end of a fishing line are set in the mainstream to draw in other fish. They have to be lively and active. Called to be fish, we are to be the bait to attract other people. Christian witness builds up the body of Christ, the Church. What kind of a fish are you?

Lets think bigger. Minnows grow into sport fish. Remember God used a large fish and it changed the very direction of Jonah’s life and ministry. Simon Peter and Andrew were casting their nets to catch fish they would sell so people could eat. As fish God uses us as both bait and nourishment.

God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others. God nourishes us so that we can help nourish others. When we mend a quarrel, or visit a shut-in – we are fish. When we offer words of kindness and encouragement or teach a child – we are fish. When we give and work for the spread of God’s kingdom– we are fish.

So act fishy!


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