Peach Festival and Yard Sale
The second annual Peach Festival and Yard Sale will be held at St. Margaret's Church on August 19, 2006, from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm.
Share with us, a fun day of peach pies and cobblers, ice cream, hot dogs, and drinks, as you browse through the yard sale tables around the church. Parishioners and neighbors will have tables of "gadgets" and "old things" for you to look at and buy.
There will be a representative from Usborn Publications selling brand new children's books and Bible stories. Part of the proceeds from these books will go to the church. Allison Fritchman is an Independent Educational Consultant for Usborne Books At Home. Her goal is to sell as many new educational children's books as she can. If she can sell $200 or more, St. Margaret's will get a percentage in the form of a cash donation, or books for our nursery, or both. It will be to our benefit to visit her table on the 19th. If you want to preview her books, or order ahead of time, you can look on her web site. She will also have a St. Margaret's link where you can place your order if you can't make it to the festival. We will still get credit for the books sold. If you have any questions or want more information, contact Carol Beightol at
There will also be a face painter for the children. When you get thirsty, stop into the kitchen for ice cold drinks, hot dogs, peach pie and ice cream. And don't forget to buy one of those delicious peach cobblers to take home.
We had a great time last year. It was a lot of fun. We met a lot of neat people. Let's work to make this year's event even more fun, and more successful!
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