The DaVinci Opportunity
There has been so much talk about the DaVinci Code already that I should probably leave it alone, but I can't. I read the book when it came out, I went to the presentation by Carol Beightol, complete with a slide show of the art portrayed in the book, and I went to the theater with 'Film Friends' to see the movie.
And I loved it all. I was also amazed at how many people complained about it's theme. So I keep reading what people write about it. First, I found the article by Fr. Harer. Then I came across this article by Bishop Paul. So I wanted to share them.
"Pointing out the endless 'errors' of the Code misses the point and misuses this godsend of publicity for the Church. The real question is: Why is the book, and presumably the movie, such a hit?" [Column by Bishop Paul Marshall]
Read the article here.
Re-printed with permission.
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