Friday, May 07, 2010

To All the Members and Friends of St. Margaret's Church

To: The Members of St. Margaret’s Church
150 Elm Street, Emmaus PA 18049
From: The Rev. Canon Lexa H. Shallcross
431 Elm Street, Emmaus PA 18049

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

In the third chapter of Ecclesiastes, we read that “For everything there is a season, and a time...”. So into that mix of birth and death, planting and harvesting, breaking down and building up, I am announcing my retirement date of July 1, 2010. As I will be taking some accrued vacation time before that date during June, my last Sunday with all of you at St. Margaret’s Church will be June 6, 2010. The decision to retire at this time is based on personal, family and financial considerations.

I first came to Emmaus as St. Margaret’s new Rector in June of 1989. During that 21 years, we have shared many faith building experiences. I will always carry the memories of pageants and floods, building in Honduras and at home (new offices and a conference room), settling the Gaye Family from Liberia and welcoming new individuals and families to St. Margaret’s. It was my privilege to work with outstanding individuals like Margot Bradbury, Art Schelling, Gil Peterson, Ken Schaffner, Sally West and Joe Cardinale who served faithfully as Senior Wardens with me. I trust that Tim Merrill, our current Senior Warden, and the Vestry will help both all of you and me in this time of transition.

Through countless acts of pastoral care- marriages, burials, baptisms- and the faithful celebration of Holy Eucharist each Sunday, I have grown close to all of you. I do know that this transition will be difficult. So the immediate future will be a both time for weeping and mourning; as well as for laughing and dancing. My prayer is that the future holds new growth and vitality for St. Margaret’s Church.

Finally, let me say I am grateful for the opportunities for professional and personal development that the faith community of St. Margaret’s Church has provided me over the years.
You all took a chance on a newly ordained, not well experienced priest. and formed me. While I look forward to the opportunities retirement will bring me, I will also carry the people and mission of St. Margaret’s in my prayers.

The Rev. Canon Lexa H. Shallcross


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