Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Holy Week Celebrations

Explore with us the power of God at work in all the crucifixion/ resurrection cycles of our lives. Seed, then harvest. Death, then life. Crucifixion, Resurrection. Lent, Easter. Ashes, Alleluias. One is necessary for the other. There is no new life without death.

Holy Week is the time given us to recall how God gives us new life in the events around our Savior Jesus Christ’s betrayal, trial, death, burial and resurrection.

Passion/Palm Sunday is April 9th and Holy Week begins. Please come early to be part of the Liturgy of the Palms. We'll gather around 10 am downstairs in the Parish Hall and process outdoors, weather permitting. Regular Sunday worship service: 8 and 10:15 am, but no Church School.

Maundy Thursday, April 13th, our worship begins at 7 p.m. We will celebrate the Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing in the Sanctuary. All are invited to come forward to have their feet washed by the Rector and Senior Warden. This service ends in silence with the stripping of the altar, which reminds us of Jesus' arrest.

The Vigil at the Altar of Repose begins at 9 pm and continues through to noon. We recall Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane and seek to answer His question, "Could you not watch me for one hour?"

At noon of Good Friday, April 14th, we will use the Proper Liturgy (BCP, p. 276). The Church will be open for meditation until 3 pm. Stations of the Cross will be held at 7 pm. We gather in the Parish Hall and use a contemporary setting.

Holy Saturday is a day of preparation. There is a reading of the Holy Saturday liturgy at 7 am in the Chapel. While the Altar Guild works behind the scenes, Church School children will dye eggs, starting at 10 am, for Sunday's egg hunt. Clergy are available to hear individual confessions (BCP, pp.446-452), so please make an appointment.

Our celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ begins on Easter morning, April 16th, with Holy Eucharist at 7:30 am and 9 am. There is a Parish Fellowship Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt after worship.

All are invited!


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