Note from the Archdeacon regarding Convention Help
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
We are very grateful to the Cathedral Church of the Nativity for hosting the Convention on October 12 and 13. Undertaking this complete with offering hospitality is quite a large responsibility, and volunteers are needed for a number of positions for all things to run smoothly.
Registrars, greeters, child care givers (meeting "Safeguarding" standards), parking lot attendants, and kitchen helpers are most needed.
Will you help us and our hosts by advertising this need in your parishes? Spouses of delegates who may wish to help are most welcome.
Please direct volunteers to Sally Snyder (, Pam Bayliss (, or to me. Sally and Pam may also be reached through the Cathedral Church at (610-865-0727).
Thank you very much for your attention to this. The smoothness of Convention last year, which many of you have mentioned to me, results from the hard work of many, many people.
Best regards,
Howard Stringfellow