Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Note from the Archdeacon regarding Convention Help

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We are very grateful to the Cathedral Church of the Nativity for hosting the Convention on October 12 and 13. Undertaking this complete with offering hospitality is quite a large responsibility, and volunteers are needed for a number of positions for all things to run smoothly.

Registrars, greeters, child care givers (meeting "Safeguarding" standards), parking lot attendants, and kitchen helpers are most needed.

Will you help us and our hosts by advertising this need in your parishes? Spouses of delegates who may wish to help are most welcome.

Please direct volunteers to Sally Snyder (
snydersal@aol.com), Pam Bayliss (pbayliss@rcn.com), or to me. Sally and Pam may also be reached through the Cathedral Church at (610-865-0727).

Thank you very much for your attention to this. The smoothness of Convention last year, which many of you have mentioned to me, results from the hard work of many, many people.

Best regards,
Howard Stringfellow

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Small Need...Maybe You Can Fill It

The Emmaus Ministerium met last week at Bethel Bible Fellowship where the local food pantry is located. It is called Groceries PLUS. That means the canned goods come with prayer, love, understanding and support. Pastor Dave mentioned that from time to time one of the clients they serve needs a can opener. Do you have a second one in your kitchen? Bring it to St. M's and we'll see that it gets to Bethel the next time we take our basket of groceries to them for distribution.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Two pounds!! A real bundle of joy.

Hey, Guys- check out the blog for Jamison Nicole. She now weighs 2 pounds!
Continue holding her and her family in your prayers.
[See post from August 26th: "A Mother Requests Our Prayers".
Her blog can be found at http://jamisonnicole.blogspot.com ]

Remembering 9/11

Here's one of my pictures from last night at the Phillies game.

Rayn Howard and Jimmy Rollins stand as local first responders parade the flags of 49 states. The colorquard of Navy and Marines brought in the flags of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of the United States. It was a quiet, solemn moment. Our attention was directed to the fanavision big screen to see Ray Charles sing "God Bless America" as scenes of rocks, hills, plains and oceans filled in behind him. How did you all remember?

+God the compassionate one, whose loving care extends to all the world, we remember this day your children of many nations and many faiths whose lives were cut short by the fierce flames of anger and hatred. Console those who continue to suffer and grieve, and give them comfort and hope as they look to the future. Out of what we have endured, give us the grace to examine our relationships with those who perceive us as the enemy, and show our leaders the way to use our power to serve the good of all for the healing of the nations. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord who, in reconciling love, was lifted up from the earth that he might draw all things to himself. Amen.

--Prepared by The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold, former Presiding Bishop, The Episcopal Church, USA, for September 11 anniversary observances.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The "Prophet with a Guitar"

David M. Bailey, singer/songwriter/survivor, will perform at St. John's UCC Church this coming Sunday night- Sept. 16th at 7 p.m. Freewill offering.

Don't miss this one, folks.
I first saw him at Musicfest, Bethlehem.

On July 4, 1996, dotors told David he had a malignant brain tumor and would be dead by Chrsitmas. David left his corporate career and returned to songwriting and performing. Nine years, 12 albums, 40 states and hundreds of concerts later, David, his songs, and his passions are alive and well.

One of his seventh grade teachers showed him some basic guitar chords. He went to to study classical guitar. David soon began writing his own songs and made his first recording a year later. Strong melodies and intricate finger picking serve to deliver keen, witty and insightful lyrics about faith, hope, love and dreams. David is known as a "prophet with a guitar".

[Confession: I cribbed some to this description from St. John's News, Vol. 17, Issue 6, September 2007. Somehow I believe they will absolve me.]

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Labor Day Weekend Crew

Good Food and a Good Crowd.

Thanks to our Labor Day Weekend Crew for the September "Feed the Flock" Community Breakfast.

We heard that there was a "singing waiter"!!
Don't miss October- special menu and Pet Blessings in honor of St. Francis. Details to follow.