Well, I'll be "tye-dyed". . .
Sunday, May 18th, we continued our year long Centennial Celebration by remembering the 1960s. We sang some traditional songs, some folk songs and some songs for peace. The Church School wore the tee shirts they had dyed two weeks earlier. It was Trinity Sunday, which is often called the Feast of the Imagination. And I could really imagine myself back in the stormy 1960s. A young couple came with their infant daughter and lots of family and friends for her Baptism. They all got to Church early and sat on one side. They were dressed up for the big day. Many of the men wore sport jackets and a some even had on ties. Across the aisle, there were the Church School youth... in their colorful tye dyed shirts. It reminded me of the tension we all felt as the world tilted and changed. Then and now, I hold fast to Jesus words, the last line of Sunday's Gospel,
Jesus said, "...remember I am with you always, to the end of the age."